Make Better Credit Decisions with
Easily build high accuracy AI-powered credit scorecards rapidly across the credit lifecycle – Applications, Behavior, Collections.
Highest accuracy in the market
Approve More, Confidently.
With an over 20-point gain in GINI, you’ll start saying “yes” to more customers and still have a lower loss rate.
Customise high quality scorecards yourself with full access to algorithms matched to your unique use cases.
creditX’s high accuracy means reduced risk, letting you to lend to new segments or markets confidently.
Start Lending Better in Shorter Time
With credit scorecards developed this fast, you’ll always be up-to-date to make the most informed decisions.
Credit models are built and deployed in a snap, so you can make the right calls more quickly and more often.
creditX plugs and plays fast with APIs. There’s no tedious onboarding process and it’s ready to score when you are.
Credit Modelling, Made for Anyone
Powerful AI meets simple UI. No coding experience is needed to validate, build or deploy powerful scorecards.
creditX shaves weeks off any data scientists’ time building each scorecard, allowing focus on critical tasks
With our plug-and-play APIs, our creditX AI solution fits right into your existing workflows within weeks.
Fair, Transparent & Explainable AI
Completed AI Verify : World’s first AI governance toolkit
Validating AI with leading regulators
Ensuring Regulatory Compliance & Security
Hosting can be either on prem or cloud (public or private)
You own the Model IP
creditX is ISO & SOC2 Certified
is priced affordably for big banks, startups and all lenders in between
How Works
Build Rapid, Custom Scorecards AI-tomatically
Powerful proprietary AI that leads the industry in speed, precision and functionality. All in a simple, affordable platform anyone on your team can use.
Connect Your Data with our Platform
Automatically Builds, Validates, and Deploys Your Credit Scorecards
One-click Deployment of Your Custom Scorecards, Instantly
Data Ingestion
- Connect to any data source
- Automated data validation
Data Treatment
- Transformation, standardization & hot encoding
- Bias Reduction
Feature Engineering & Variable Selection
- 100+ auto-derived variables
- Identify non-linear patterns
- ML boosted & correlation-based variable selection
Model Builder
- Set your model parameters
- Generate new models or change PD levels to see model impact
Model Validation & Explainability
- Cross-validate models with trained & testedframe works
- Advanced Explainability: Model & Decision
Model Deployment & Monitoring
- Single-click, API-based deployment
- Real-time decisioning
- Monitor performance with analysis & reports
Data Ingestion
Data Treatment
Feature Engineering & Variable Selection
Model Builder
Model Validation & Explainability
Model Deployment
1 Day
Other solutions (9-12 Months)
Connect Your Data with our Platform
One-click Deployment of Your Custom Scorecards, Instantly.
How Works
Build Rapid, Custom Scorecards AI-tomatically
Powerful proprietary AI that leads the industry in speed, precision and functionality. All in a simple, affordable platform anyone on your team can use.